Monday, March 23, 2009

Ways of how the government is trying to deal with this issue

Raising the retirement
Increase the size of the working-age population by raising the retirement age. Since Europeans tend to retire before the official state-pension age . This would actually allow the senior citzens to work and earn income rather than staying at home.

Influence birth rates
The second area is policies to influence birth rates. There might be reason for women not giving birth to babies example ,are they are heavily tax, excessively penalised for
having children.


  1. please keep up the good work done in this website, it's important.

    Check out the last Krugman's interview. He talks about Italy's demography as well.
    The title is "Paul Krugman's fear for lost decade" on the guardian dot co dot uk

  2. to combat ageing pop. why would you reduce births further increasing the top heavy population?
